Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So guys, now I'm ACTUALLY in Melbourne. Out of Somerville, it was nice while it lasted but I was glad to go! Wills dogs were GETTING to me, man are they ever annoying... the solitude was amazing though, having a whole weekend to myself! So how's Melbourne? Big, and busy? I dono, what you would expect, really. The first fifteen minutes were pretty cool! I'm walking down the busy streets, about to cross at the cross walk, in search of a phone charger. And low and behold, who do I see? Ally! (an italian girl I'd worked with down in Esperance). So last night we met up with an Irish fellow, (whom she works with) and hit up a jazz club. This club is EXACTLY what you would expect right out of a 1950's film, minus the smoke. There was us three, and maybe two other souls in there, but it was fun none the less! As soon as the music began, oh wow, it's hard to explain. My head went heavy and my body light, my fingers even began to tingle! I would zone out and come to again with a big smile on my face. I don't know where I went in that time. Memories of the Porchers came rushing to (only mum, dad and anna would get this!)... nothing specific, just generals... the rope swing in the back yard, the hampster cages in the basement, the white stuccoed walls! So vivid, yet so vague at the same time, it's amazing all that can trigger your senses, no?

I've spoken with Yot and trip Adelaide to Darwin is a go! (Even with my close to null funds). It should be awesome though, I think I can learn a lot from Yot... He is super spiritual and very intelligent... he even gets my jokes! Which is a very, very rare trait in any human being. I'd been thinking about doing this 10 day meditation up in the blue mountains. No speaking, no eye contact, no writing, no music, no... nothing! I began talking with him about and, go figure, he does it once a year! He advised me not to do it unless I REALLY wanted to, but I'm sure I do, any experience that has the possibility of changing me in a positive way, I figure, why the heck not? It's all by donation too, you just donate as much as you're comfortable with... or however much you feel the program deserves.

After Darwin, I'm really not sure what I'll be doing, I'm going to NEED a job by then, no mucking around! I'll even go back to Esperance if worst comes to worst, work there for a bit until I figure something else. Ah, Esperance wasn't too bad, just Matt and Clayton are dickheads, but hey, what can you do? Anyways, just wanted to update while I have the opportunity to get to a computer, so you guys don't freak out wondering where in the world I am. Be well, I'll write when possible!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

If you find amusement in my pain, not all is lost

Hey friends. Just arrived in Melbourne after an awesome three days of traveling!

The booking of the tour was extremely last minute and I definitely booked it the day before we took off. I was hoping to leave most of my gear in Yots van before I left, so I didn't have to lug it all around Melbourne, but then I checked my bank account. Aaand I figured it safer to bring my stuff with me, just incase I don't get back to him and his van. In the hostel I became very close with Yot (Israel), Richard (Nigeria) and Salmon (Germany). I think it's crazy how friendships can be established so quickly. On my last night in the hostel in Adelaide I had a knock on my door and Richard told me to follow him, so I did... into the kitchen, where they had prepared a massive fiest for me in lieu of my leaving Adelaide. HOW CUTE IS THAT! hahaha I thought it was wonderful and a nice break from my constant easy macs.

We left Wednesday for the great ocean road, ah it was so gorgeous! We climbed the pinnacles, walked through the rainforest, stayed overnight in the grampians, saw the 12 (7) apostles. I saw my first Koala!! I was pretty excited, at first. Then quickly became very bored of them. I mean come on, DO SOMETHING. Move, or eat... watching you go to the bathroom would be a little more exciting than this. WAKE UP! Anyways, I was super stoked on the ocean road. SO happy to be back in the mountains, I hadn't realized how much I missed them. Everything here is just so flat. As for our group, well it was... an interesting bunch to say the least. A very, very privilidged group, all living and traveling off of their parents money. Dude, you're 23, grab yourself some independence for f's sake. Ah! This is probably just jealousy speaking, haha, I mean who wouldn't love someone supporting them?

So there was Cara (England), a loud, rich, and very spoiled girl. She just bought a Marc Jacobs necklace for 350 dollars... SORRY? I cringe when I think of coughing up 10 dollars for a campsite. However guys, this necklace was also a watch! All is justified! Then there was Naomi, ooooh my, where do I start with Naomi? Well, she was from Canada, and liked to talk about Canada, A LOT. Like, a lot, a lot. Hello Naomi, I don't know if you realized, but we aren't in Canada, and I don't know about you, but I left Canada for a reason. Yes, yes, I do miss Tim Hortons, no Naomi, I don't remember that big tree in Stanley park. And when she wasn't talking about Canada, she was talking about aliens. I'm not kidding, ALIENS!! How Beyonce and George Bush, Lady Gaga and Kanye all SUPPORTED ALIENS. Excuse my french, but I WAS NEXT TO A FUCKING QUACK. I soon tried to limit my time with her. And Sophie a young german girl. She was my favourite. However she definitely acted her age, and she didn't know when to stop talking. Three things these girls had in common? They were mindless drones, and liked to talk a lot of shit. I swear to you, if I had told these girls to get naked and jump in a pool full of crocodiles they would have done it. Cara liked to talk the bus driver down, (who was friggin' awesome, might I add)... "Why does she talk with an Irish accent sometimes? IT'S SO WEIRD." Well Cara, if you learned to shut your mouth for five minutes, you would have heard that Fleur lived in Dublin for 7 years. This may, or may not be explanation enough for you. Then Naomi would chime in "I KNOW, I mean just talk in your regular australian accent. And did you see the way she looked at me? She definitely hates me."....for good reason Naomi, for good reason. Then Sophie "I can't believe the Germans thought I was German, I'M OBVIOUSLY DUTCH. And they are so rude, they don't even talk to anyone else unless you know german.".....completely unrelated, sophie, but may I ask, have you tried? Because I have noticed they are actually full of brilliant conversation and very welcoming. Anyways, I could go on about these girls for days, they were absolutely horrendouse, but very entertaining at the same time.

SO, as for now, I am staying in Somerville (an hour or so out of melbourne), at Wills parents' place, house sitting for them until monday. I meeting up with Kris today! Yeeeeew, quite excited! As it has just been over a year since we have seen each other. I don't quite know what I am doing after melbourne, a job is definitely in the cards though, we'll see how it all goes! My fingers are still crossed about the trip from Adelaide to Darwin! (Don't feel guilty about sending me money, ha, kidding!) Anyways, hope all is well! Aaaaand... it's pretty awkward trying to end one of these things isn't it? I'll write soon later!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hey all!! I've set up my own account seeing as I'm not with Liz anymore, and we all know how bad I am at phone calls and e-mails! So, to keep you updated I've started this blog. (Now I just have to remember to update it!)

So, traveling solo now and all is well. Split with Cody, Mick and Liz as of... Tuesday? Wednesday? Hitched a ride to Adelaide with some guys I met in Streaky Bay... I assumed it would be a straight 6 hour drive, however, no, they had other plans. They picked me up a day early with only two hours notice so I was in a frenzy trying to get my gear all ready to go. We pulled into Port Lincoln at about 1 AM and crashed at a guy, Jimmy's, house. Then 4 AM came along and we were up and at 'em. They wanted to catch this wave on Spilsby Island, so we took out Jimmy's massive vessel on a two hour trek to the island. This wave was MASSIVE holy moly, I was terrified. There was two other boats out there filled with a bunch of pro surfers and photographers. The boys, unfortunately couldn't get out to the wave because in order to get to it you needed a tow, so instead we tied all of our boats together and partied in the middle of the ocean. Mind you, I was feeling a tad sea sick so I stuck to my trusty water. So, the day came to an end and we got back to Port Lincoln at about 8 PM... I was knackered! I figured since Adelaide is a 7 hour drive or so we'd crash at Jimmy's, but once again the boys had other plans. We took off to Adelaide and arrived at 5 AM, awesome!

So, now I am here in Adelaide and taking off tomorrow (tuesday) to do the great ocean road with an english girl I met, Cara. Once I arrive in Melbourne I'll be house sitting Wills house (whom I worked with in Esperance). Afterwards I think I'll be doing some back tracking back to Adelaide (yeah Jayne, good on you, waste some more money that you don't have.) I met an Israeli guy here named Yot, that's driving from Adelaide to Darwin, so I'm thinking I might join him! Don't hold that to me though, we all know how my plans are never set in stone. Changing all the time. As for Adelaide, it's been good, it's just a big city though, you know? All cities only offer the same big buildings, miserable people, fast paced environment. I've been doing tons of reading, I found a bookstore the other day and spent hours in it... Walked out with 7 full priced books. (Once again, Jayne. MONEY!) I seriously don't know how I'm going to travel with all of it, I have too much stuff as is. I purchased a dictionary with intention to read the whole thing and expand my vocabulary... really, I don't know why this crosses me as a good idea. The people in the hostel are awesome too, but I'm getting really bored of writing now so maybe I'll tell you about them later, ha, I don't know how Liz does this!

Hope all is well, where ever you are!