Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hey all!! I've set up my own account seeing as I'm not with Liz anymore, and we all know how bad I am at phone calls and e-mails! So, to keep you updated I've started this blog. (Now I just have to remember to update it!)

So, traveling solo now and all is well. Split with Cody, Mick and Liz as of... Tuesday? Wednesday? Hitched a ride to Adelaide with some guys I met in Streaky Bay... I assumed it would be a straight 6 hour drive, however, no, they had other plans. They picked me up a day early with only two hours notice so I was in a frenzy trying to get my gear all ready to go. We pulled into Port Lincoln at about 1 AM and crashed at a guy, Jimmy's, house. Then 4 AM came along and we were up and at 'em. They wanted to catch this wave on Spilsby Island, so we took out Jimmy's massive vessel on a two hour trek to the island. This wave was MASSIVE holy moly, I was terrified. There was two other boats out there filled with a bunch of pro surfers and photographers. The boys, unfortunately couldn't get out to the wave because in order to get to it you needed a tow, so instead we tied all of our boats together and partied in the middle of the ocean. Mind you, I was feeling a tad sea sick so I stuck to my trusty water. So, the day came to an end and we got back to Port Lincoln at about 8 PM... I was knackered! I figured since Adelaide is a 7 hour drive or so we'd crash at Jimmy's, but once again the boys had other plans. We took off to Adelaide and arrived at 5 AM, awesome!

So, now I am here in Adelaide and taking off tomorrow (tuesday) to do the great ocean road with an english girl I met, Cara. Once I arrive in Melbourne I'll be house sitting Wills house (whom I worked with in Esperance). Afterwards I think I'll be doing some back tracking back to Adelaide (yeah Jayne, good on you, waste some more money that you don't have.) I met an Israeli guy here named Yot, that's driving from Adelaide to Darwin, so I'm thinking I might join him! Don't hold that to me though, we all know how my plans are never set in stone. Changing all the time. As for Adelaide, it's been good, it's just a big city though, you know? All cities only offer the same big buildings, miserable people, fast paced environment. I've been doing tons of reading, I found a bookstore the other day and spent hours in it... Walked out with 7 full priced books. (Once again, Jayne. MONEY!) I seriously don't know how I'm going to travel with all of it, I have too much stuff as is. I purchased a dictionary with intention to read the whole thing and expand my vocabulary... really, I don't know why this crosses me as a good idea. The people in the hostel are awesome too, but I'm getting really bored of writing now so maybe I'll tell you about them later, ha, I don't know how Liz does this!

Hope all is well, where ever you are!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making this, please remember to post very often so I don't have to have panic attacks...hehehe

    Do you know how incredibly, absolutely PROUD of you I am? Wow, you AND Anna, both spreading your wings and flying. Makes me think I might have done something right after all!

    Love and hugs,
